vineri, 20 mai 2011

Inima de Cerneala - Cornelia Funke Pret 35 Ron, 560 pag.

Inimă de cerneală (distinsă cu 12 premii internaţionale), ecranizata in 2008, este primul volum dintr-o trilogie, a cărei ultimă parte a apărut anul acesta. Este un roman în care cotidianul se îmbină cu fantasticul, iar aventurile eroilor, desfăşurate pe viaţă şi pe moarte, îi ţin cu răsuflarea tăiată atât pe copii, cât şi pe adulţi. Mai presus de orice este vorba de însăşi lumea cărţii, care întreţine legături nevăzute şi misterioase cu universul cotidian, căci pe de-o parte, personajele ies din carte, participând la viaţa de zi cu zi, pe de altă parte, oamenii intră în carte, urmându-şi fiecare destinul hărăzit.

The Phantom Tollbooth - Norton Juster Pret 35 Ron, 256 pag.

This tale of 10-year-old Milo and his experiences in the "Lands Beyond" has become a modern-day children's classic.

The Native Star - M. K. Hobson Pret 22 Ron, 400 pag.

It’s 1876, and business is rotten for Emily Edwards, town witch of the tiny Sierra Nevada settlement of Lost Pine. With everyone buying patent magicks by mail-order, she’s faced with two equally desperate options. Starve—or use a love spell to bewitch the town’s richest lumberman into marrying her.
When the love spell goes terribly wrong, Emily is forced to accept the aid of Dreadnought Stanton—a pompous and scholarly Warlock from New York—to set things right. Together, they travel from the seedy underbelly of San Francisco’s Barbary Coast, across the United States by train and biomechanical flying machine, to the highest halls of American magical power, only to find that love spells (and love) are far more complicated and dangerous than either of them could ever have imagined.

Across the Nightingale Floor - Lian Hearn pret 20 Ron, 320 pag.

In his black-walled fortress at Inuyama, the murderous warlord, lida Sadamu, surveys his famous nightingale floor. Constructed with exquisite skill, it sings at the tread of each human foot. No assassin can cross it unheard. Brought up in a remote mountain village among the Hidden, a reclusive and spiritual people, Takeo has learned only the ways of peace. Why, then, does he possess the deadly skills that make him so valuable to the sinister Tribe? These supernatural powers will lead him to his violent destiny within the walls of Inuyama – and to an impossible longing for a girl who can never be his. His journey is one of revenge and treachery, honour and loyalty, beauty and magic, and the passion of first love.

Peter and the Secret of Rundoon - Dave Berry, Ridley Pearson Pret 20 Ron, 496 pag.

In this action-packed third installment in the Starcatchers series, Peter and Molly find themselves in the dangerous land of Rundoon, ruled by an evil king who enjoys watching his pet snake consume those who displease him. But that’s just the beginning of problems facing our heroes, who once again find themselves pitted against the evil shadow-creature Lord Ombra in a struggle to save themselves, not to mention the planet. It’s a wild desert adventure, with rockets, carpets, and camels all flying through the air, zooming toward an unforgettable climax...

The Worst Witch - Jill Murphy Pret 12 Ron, 112 pag.

Mildred Hubble is the worst witch at Miss Cackle's Academy for Witches - she's always getting her spells wrong. But she manages to get by until she turns Ethel, the teacher's pet, into her deadly enemy.

A Bad Spell for the Worst Witch - Jill Murphy Pret 12 Ron, 128 pag.

Mildred Hubble is the most disastrous dunce of all at Miss Cackle's Academy for Witches. But even Mildred has the occasional good spell! Jolly broomsticks and brimstone in these very different school stories.

Never Land: Cave of the Dark Wind - Dave Barry, Ridley Pearson Pret 20 Ron, 144 pag.

Another in the Neverland series revisting the world of Peter Pan. James and the Lost Boys find a forbidden cave containing the lair of a creature known only as 'the Goat Taker'.
It becomes the start of a terrifying adventure underground as the boys flee through a labyrinth chased by Captain Hook and his pirates. At stake is an ancient treasure - and the survival of the lost boys.
Can they solve the mystery of the Cave of the Dark Wind and avoid being caught? The pace is fast and attention grabbing. Older children will enjoy reading this for themselves while it is also a good story for reading aloud to groups or younger children.
A series of black and white illustrations make the book extra atmospheric bringing scenes and characters vividly alive. Well worth reading.(Angela Youngman)

Alcatraz Versus The Knights Of Crystallia - Brandon Sanderson Pret 27 Ron, 336 pag.

When Alcatraz and Grandpa Smedry make a pilgrimage to the Free Kingdom city of Crystallia, the Smedry home base, Alcatraz is shocked to see that he is, in fact, a legend. When he was a baby he was stolen by the Evil Librarians, and his mother, a Librarian herself, was behind the whole scheme. Now, with his estranged father, who is acting indeed strange, Bastille, who has been stripped of her armor, and Grandpa Smedry, who is, as always, late to everything (that's his Talent), Alcatraz tries to save a city under siege. From who? Why, the Librarians of course!

Alcatraz Versus The Scrivener's Bones - Brandon Sanderson Pret 27, 336 pag.

Alcatraz Smedry has an incredible talent . . . for breaking things! It generally gets him into a lot of trouble, but can he use it to save the day? In this second Alcatraz adventure, our hero finds himself swept up by a glass dragon headed to the ancient Library of Alexandria (which some silly people think was long-ago destroyed!) to look for clues leading to Alcatraz's dead father who might not be dead afterall! They must also battle the creepy, soul-sucking curators who await them . . .

Alcatraz Versus The Evil Librarians - Brandon Sanderson Pret 27 Ron, 320 pag.

A hero with an incredible talent...for breaking things. A life-or-death rescue a bag of sand. A fearsome threat from a powerful secret network...the evil Librarians.
Alcatraz Smedry doesn't seem destined for anything but disaster. On his 13th birthday he receives a bag of sand, which is quickly stolen by the cult of evil Librarians plotting to take over the world. The sand will give the Librarians the edge they need to achieve world domination. Alcatraz must stop them! infiltrating the local library, armed with nothing but eyeglasses and a talent for klutziness.

miercuri, 18 mai 2011

Dreamquake - Elizabeth Knox Pret 30 Ron, 464 pag.

Following on from the mesmerising Dreamhunter, the story continues dramatically as Grace, ′overdreamt′ by Laura, introduces a nightmare, instead of the happy holiday dream programmed, to a packed Opera House audience, with chaotic results.
Laura has collected and dreamt the nightmare in response to a letter she thinks is from her dead father, Tziga, who has been forced by the government to dream it to keep prisoners frightened and subdued.
Laura takes Nown, the sandman she created, with her on a journey to discover what purpose the Depot in the Place is being used for, and finds a far greater secret behind the existence of the Place Itself.
Meanwhile Laura has to come to terms with her feelings for Sandy, a young dreamcatcher. She and Rose must accept their changing relationship.
′Knox′s haunting, invigorating storytelling will leave readers eager to return to its puzzles - and to reap its rewards.

Dreamhunter - Elizabeth Knox Pret 35 Ron, 384 pag.

Fast-paced and dazzlingly imaginative, Dreamhunter will draw the reader into an extraordinary fictional world in which dreams are as vividly described as the cream cakes in the tea shop, the sand on the beach or teenage first love.
Set in 1906, Dreamhunter describes a world very similar to ours, except for a special place, known simply as The Place, where only a select group of people can go. These people are called Dreamhunters and they harvest dreams which are then transmitted to the general public for the purposes of entertainment, therapy - or terror and political coercion.
Fifteen-year-old cousins Laura Hame and Rose Tiebold both come from famous dreamhunting families, but only Laura proves to be blessed with the gift and once inside The Place she finds out what happened to her missing dreamhunter father and reveals how the government has used dreams to control an ever-growing population of convicts and political dissenters.

Darul lui Mibs - Ingrid Law Pret 30 Ron, 256 pag.

Mibs e pe cale sã împlineascã treisprezece ani, iar pentru familia ei extraordinarã, a deveni adolescent înseamnã a-ţi descoperi, în sfârşit, o aptitudine super-specialã – darul. Darul lui Mibs va fi oare suficient de puternic pentru a o îndruma spre cãlãtoria vieţii ei? Traducere a titlului de succes "Savvy" de Ingrid Law.

Old Magic - Marianne Curley Pret 20 Ron, 320 pag.

The moment the new guy walks into the room, Kate senses something strange and intense about him. Something supernatural. Her instincts are proven correct a few minutes later when, bullied by his classmates, Jarrod unknowingly conjures up a freak thunderstorm inside their classroom.

The Season - Sarah Maclean Pret 30 Ron, 352 pag.

In Regency London, Alexandra is about to embark on her first season of balls and dinners, and while nothing would steer her mother from the course of marrying off her only daughter, 17-year-old Alex is put off by men's seeming lack of interest in women with any amount of intelligence (Evidently, it scares eligible gentlemen off). Her opinions about romance change when she develops feelings for her brothers' friend Gavin, who is mourning the sudden death of his father (making Gavin the new earl of Blackmoor). Mac-Lean's debut is well paced, and as readers fill up on descriptions of dresses and society's rules, another plot line develops: Alex overhears a conversation proving that Gavin's father was murdered, and she puts her relationship, reputation and life in danger to help him. Readers will appreciate the clique lit/historical romance hybrid: headstrong Alex rolls her eyes and gossips with friends, but still knows the steps to the quadrille. Clever conversation in the spirit of Jane Austen makes this quite a page turner. Ages 12–up. (Mar.)
Copyright © Reed Business Information

Mistress Masham's Repose - T. H. White Pret 32 Ron, 260 pag.

"She saw: first, a square opening, about eight inches wide, in the lowest step...finally she saw that there was a walnut shell, or half one, outside the nearest door...she went to look at the shell—but looked with the greatest astonishment. There was a baby in it."
So ten-year-old Maria, orphaned mistress of Malplaquet, discovers the secret of her deteriorating estate: on a deserted island at its far corner, in the temple long ago nicknamed Mistress Masham's Repose, live an entire community of people—"The People," as they call themselves—all only inches tall. With the help of her only friend—the absurdly erudite Professor—Maria soon learns that this settlement is no less than the kingdom of Lilliput (first seen in Gulliver's Travels) in exile. Safely hidden for centuries, the Lilliputians are at first endangered by Maria's well-meaning but clumsy attempts to make their lives easier, but their situation grows truly ominous when they are discovered by Maria's greedy guardians, who look at The People and see only a bundle of money.

The Box of Delights - John Masefield Pret 32 Ron, 320 pag.

Strange things begin to happen the minute young Kay Harker boards the train to go home for Christmas and finds himself under observation by two very shifty-looking characters. Arriving at his destination, the boy is immediately accosted by a bright-eyed old man with a mysterious message: “The wolves are running.” Soon danger is everywhere, as a gang of criminals headed by the notorious wizard Abner Brown and his witch wife Sylvia Daisy Pouncer gets to work. What does Abner Brown want? The magic box that the old man has entrusted to Kay, which allows him to travel freely not only in space but in time, too. The gang will stop at nothing to carry out their plan, even kidnapping Kay’s friend, the tough little Maria Jones, and threatening to cancel Christmas celebrations altogether. But with the help of his allies, including an intrepid mouse, a squadron of Roman soldiers, the legendary Herne the Hunter, and the inventor of the Box of Delights himself, Kay just may be able rescue his friend, foil Abner Brown’s plot, and save Christmas, too.
At once a thriller, a romp, and a spellbinding fantasy, The Box of Delights is a great English children’s book and a perfect Christmas treat.